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Physical, Occupational,
and Speech Therapies
A Complete

Pediatric speech and language therapy provides assessment and treatment of your child’s communication skills. These include speech, language, play and interaction development.

Physical therapists work to decrease pain, improve movement, help kids return to daily activities and they teach kids exercises designed to help them regain strength and range of motion.

Occupational therapy is a form of intervention in which the therapist and child work to develop or improve the necessary skills for daily living through activity.


No other profession has the knowledge and the skills to change movement patterns the way physical therapists do. We also have more contact with patients than most other health professionals. It is our responsibility to harness our knowledge of the whole body, including the brain.

The Highest Quality Healthcare.
Leading Atlanta-area Clinic
Leading the Way in Excellence.

For children from birth to 21 years


Learn the Signs. Act

The journey of your child's early years includes many developmental milestones for how he or she plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves. Look inside to learn what to look for in your child. Talk with your child's doctor about these milestones. Not reaching these milestones, or reaching them much later than other children, could be a sign of a developmental delay.

Contact Us!

770-628-1500 info@childrens1st.com